2.3. Start and Load Sample Data

2.3.1. Starting the Server

The startomnisci wrapper script may be used to start OmniSciDB in a testing environment. This script performs the following tasks:

  • initializes the server data directory via initdb, if required

  • starts the OmniSciDB server, omnisci_server

  • offers to download and import a sample dataset using the insert_sample_data script if flag --sample-data is provided

Assuming you are in the build directory, and it is a subdirectory of the omniscidb repository, startomnisci may be run by: Starting Manually

It is assumed that the following commands are run from inside the build directory.

Initialize the data storage directory. This command only needs to be run once.

mkdir data && ./bin/initdb data

Start the OmniSciDB server:


You can now start using the database. The omnisql utility may be used to interact with the database from the command line:

where HyperInteractive is the default password. The default user admin is assumed if not provided.

2.3.2. Working With Data

Users can always insert a sample dataset by running the included insert_sample_data script:


OmniSciDB also provides a variety of utilities for loading data into a table: