
#include "Logger/Logger.h"

The OmniSci Logger is based on Boost.Log with a design goal of being largely, though not completely, backward compatible with glog in usage, but with additional control over the logging format and other features.

For the database user, log settings are set in the same manner as other program options, which can be specified via the command line or config file. These include settings such as the directory where log files are written to, log file naming format, log severity level, etc. See Program Options.

For the developer, log entries are made in a syntax that is similar to std::ostream. Example:

LOG(INFO) << "x = " << x;

where INFO is one common example of the log “severity” level. Other severities are WARNING, FATAL, DEBUG1, etc. See Severity.

In addition, there are a number of CHECK macros which act like assert() but will report via the logging system upon failure, with an optional message, and subsequently call abort(). Examples:

CHECK_LT(1u, list.size()) << "list must contain more than 1 element.";

If ptr==nullptr or 1u >= list.size() then the program will abort, and log a corresponding FATAL message. See CHECK.

Program Options

omnisci_server --help includes the logging options:

--log-directory arg (="mapd_log")     Logging directory. May be relative to
                                      data directory, or absolute.
--log-file-name arg (=omnisci_server.{SEVERITY}.%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.log)
                                      Log file name relative to
--log-symlink arg (=omnisci_server.{SEVERITY})
                                      Symlink to active log.
--log-severity arg (=INFO)            Log to file severity level: INFO
                                      WARNING ERROR FATAL
--log-severity-clog arg (=ERROR)      Log to console severity level: INFO
                                      WARNING ERROR FATAL
--log-channels arg                    Log channel debug info: IR PTX ASM
--log-auto-flush arg (=1)              Flush logging buffer to file after each
--log-max-files arg (=100)             Maximum number of log files to keep.
--log-min-free-space arg (=20971520)  Minimum number of bytes left on device
                                      before oldest log files are deleted.
--log-rotate-daily arg (=1)           Start new log files at midnight.
--log-rotation-size arg (=10485760)   Maximum file size in bytes before new
                                      log files are started.

The class logger::LogOptions manages the above values, and integrates into the Boost.Program_options classes used by the OmniSciDB to process program options, from both the command line and/or a config file.

Initialization and Global Instances

To initialize the logging system, the function:

namespace logger {

void init(LogOptions const&);


must be invoked with the logger::LogOptions object to be applied. It is recommended to run this from main() as early as possible. This initializes two global logging objects, gChannelLogger and gSeverityLogger, that exist in the object file Logger.o, which should never be referenced directly. Instead, use the LOG/CHECK macros for all normal logging. This is mentioned here so that issues such as global variable construction/destruction can be considered. More specifically, due to the unpredictability of static initialization order fiasco, logging should never be done from other global constructors or destructors, directly or indirectly.



There are currently 8 severity levels that can be used with the LOG() macro, in decreasing order of severity from most severe to least:


When to Use


An unrecoverable error has occurred, and must be fixed in the software. This is the only severity which will result in a call to abort().


A recoverable error has occurred, and must be fixed in the software.


Something that “should not have” happened happened, but is not as demanding of an immediate fix as an ERROR. Example: A deprecated feature is still being used, even though the user was informed of its deprecation.


Significant and informative milestones in the execution of the program. One must balance logging useful and informative information, against logging too much useless and redundant information that drowns the signal out with noise.


More detailed information about the execution of the program than INFO that would be useful for debugging, but less detailed than the below debug levels. E.g. don’t log every row of a million-row table.


More detailed information than DEBUG1.


More detailed information than DEBUG2.


More detailed information than DEBUG3.

The program option --log-severity is set to exactly one of these, defaulting to INFO. All LOG() calls with a lesser severity are ignored and not logged. For example if --log-severity=DEBUG1 then log calls LOG(DEBUG1), LOG(INFO), LOG(WARNING), LOG(ERROR), and LOG(FATAL) are active and will produce log entries when executed, and log calls LOG(DEBUG4), LOG(DEBUG3), and LOG(DEBUG2) are ignored. If a function is called in the input stream, e.g. LOG(DEBUG2) << f(x), then f(x) will be invoked if any only if DEBUG2 is an active log severity.

One guiding principle for deciding which of the debug levels to use is to consider it from the perspective of someone who is trying to diagnose/debug a problem. Running the database with --log-severity=DEBUG4 will show ALL debug log lines, but more information must be searched through in order to find what is useful. Having a few different debug levels allows for some control over how verbose the logging is.

Errors that are logged with ERROR and FATAL should be considered software errors, and not user errors. For example, if the user inputs a malformed SQL query, e.g. SELEKT instead of SELECT, then this should NOT be logged as an ERROR, but instead logged as an INFO with an appropriate response to the user. This would be considered correct behavior of the software. In contrast, anytime an ERROR or FATAL is logged, then it means there is a bug in the software that must be fixed.

For backward compatibility, the flag --verbose=on is equivalent to --log-severity=DEBUG1. If both are provided, then the lesser severity is active.

Log Files

A separate log file is produced for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL if the log severity is active. If any of the DEBUG severities are active, they are included into the INFO log file. Each log file redundantly includes all entries that are more severe than itself. For example if --log-severity=DEBUG1 then the INFO log file will include all log calls LOG(DEBUG1), LOG(INFO), LOG(WARNING), LOG(ERROR), and LOG(FATAL); the WARNING log file will include all log calls LOG(WARNING), LOG(ERROR), and LOG(FATAL).

The name of the log file by default includes the program name, severity, and timestamp of when its first entry was made. Example:


This can be customized with the --log-file-name program option.

New log files are started on each (re)start. A symbolic link without the timestamp and file extension suffix points to the latest version. Example:

omnisci_server.INFO -> omnisci_server.INFO.20190918-162525.log


The general format of a log entry is:

(timestamp) (severity) (process_id) (query_id) (thread_id) (filename:line_number) (message)


2019-09-18T16:25:25.659248 I 26481 5 DBHandler.cpp:181 OmniSci Server 4.9.0dev-20190918-bd97353685

Field descriptions:

1. Timestamp in local timezone with microsecond resolution.
2. Single-character severity level. In same order as above severity levels:
F E W I 1 2 3 4
For instance the I implies that the above log entry is of INFO severity.
3. The process_id assigned by the operating system.
4. The query_id is a unique 64-bit positive integer incrementally assigned to each new SQL query. A value of 0 indicates that the log line is outside of the context of any particular query, or that the query_id is not available.
5. The thread_id is a unique 64-bit positive integer incrementally assigned to each new thread. thread_id=1 is assigned to the first thread each time the program starts.
6. Source filename:Line number.
7. Custom message sent to LOG() via the insertion << operator.

Note that log entries can contain line breaks, thus not all log lines will begin with these fields if the message itself contains multiple lines.


Channels are similar to severities, but exist outside of the severity hierarchy, have no ordering of their own, and can only be activated by explicitly including them in the --log-channels program option.

Currently there are 3 channels: IR PTX ASM

which log intermediate representation, and parallel thread execution code, respectively. Scripts may be used for other purposes that parse and analyze these logs, therefore using channels outside of the severity hierarchy is convenient so that the output is not interleaved with unrelated INFO or DEBUG log lines.

For example, LOG(IR) << "Foo = " << foo.getIr(); will be activated if any only if IR is included in the --log-channels program option, which can accept multiple comma-delimited channel names. If activated, the output will be logged to a file named after the channel, e.g. omnisci_server.IR.20190918-162525.log.



In addition to the LOG() macro, there are:

  • LOG_IF(severity, condition) - Same as LOG(severity) but first checks a boolean condition and logs only if evaluated to true.

  • VLOG(n) - Same as LOG(DEBUGn) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4.


The CHECK(condition) macro evaluates condition as a boolean value. If true, then execution continues with nothing logged. Otherwise both the condition source code string is logged at FATAL severity, along with any optional << message, before calling abort(). The program may then either exit, or optionally catch the SIGABRT signal.

Similarly there are 6 binary CHECK comparison macros:
which accept two parameters, and apply the comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, respectively. For example, CHECK_LT(1u, list.size()) will evaluate 1u < list.size(), and log and abort() if not true. The advantage of calling CHECK_LT(1u, list.size()) over CHECK(1u < list.size()) is that the value of both operands will be logged if the test fails, which is not reported with CHECK().


DBHandler uses a logging helper class StdLog for logging query-specific information in a standard format:

(timestamp) (severity) (process_id) (query_id) (thread_id) (filename:line_number) stdlog (function_name) (match_id)
(time_ms) (username) (dbname) (public_session_id) (array of names) (array of values)

Since this contains timing information, it is logged at the end of query execution. If the DEBUG1 severity is active, then a corresponding stdlog_begin line is also logged at the start of the query, with the same format.

Example usage is given in the QueryState documentation.

Example entries:

2019-09-20T17:15:28.215590 1 13080 DBHandler.cpp:846 stdlog_begin sql_execute 2 0 omnisci testuser 528-dyM2 {"query_str"} {"SELECT * FROM omnisci_counties LIMIT 1;"}
2019-09-20T17:15:28.924512 I 13080 DBHandler.cpp:846 stdlog sql_execute 2 709 omnisci testuser 528-dyM2 {"query_str","execution_time_ms","total_time_ms"} {"SELECT * FROM omnisci_counties LIMIT 1;","708","709"}

The first 4 fields are same as in the above Format section. Additional field descriptions:

  1. stdlog_begin/stdlog - logged when StdLog object is constructed/destructed.

  2. function_name - Name of function the StdLog object was constructed/destructed in.

  3. match_id - Integer to uniquely match stdlog_begin and stdlog lines together.

  4. time_ms - Time in milliseconds since constructor. For stdlog_begin it is always 0. For stdlog it is the time between the constructor and destructor, which is generally the duration of the function call.

  5. username - Session username. Blank if not available.

  6. dbname - Session database. Blank if not available.

  7. public_session_id - Identifier for session. May be publicly accessible without compromising security. Blank if not available.

  8. names - List of optional value names in SQL-array format.

  9. values - List of optional values in SQL-array format, in same order as names. Names and values are logged in this way so as to be readily imported into a SQL table for analysis.


DebugTimer objects can be instantiated in the code that measure and log the duration of their own lifetimes, and include the following features:

  • Globally accessible via a macro. E.g. auto timer = DEBUG_TIMER(__func__).

  • Single multi-line log entry is reported for nested timers.

  • Enabled with the --enable-debug-timer program option. Without it, the timer objects have no effect.

  • Include timers from spawned threads. Requires a call on the child thread informing the parent thread id: DEBUG_TIMER_NEW_THREAD(parent_thread_id);


void foo() {
  auto timer = DEBUG_TIMER(__func__);

void bar() {
  auto timer = DEBUG_TIMER(__func__);
  timer.stop();  // Manually stop timer for bar().

void bar2() {
  auto timer = DEBUG_TIMER(__func__);

Upon the destruction of the timer object within foo(), a log entry similar to the following will be made:

2019-10-17T15:22:53.981002 I 8980 foobar.cpp:70 DEBUG_TIMER thread_id(140719710320384)
19ms total duration for foo
  17ms start(10ms) bar foobar.cpp:100
    13ms start(10ms) bar2 foobar.cpp:130

Fields for the Duration lines (last two line above) are:

  1. Lifetime of timer object.

  2. Time after start of current thread. (This can be used to find gaps in timing coverage.)

  3. String parameter to DEBUG_TIMER (__func__ in above examples.)

  4. File:Line where DEBUG_TIMER was called from.

The first root DEBUG_TIMER instance is in foo(), and the two others in bar() and bar2() are initiated upon subsequent calls into the call stack, represented by the indentations. Once the first root timer object destructs, the entire DurationTree of recorded times are logged together into a single multi-line log entry, one line per timer instance.

There is a DebugTimer::stop() method that manually stops the timer, serving the same function as the destructor. The destructor then will have no further effect.

To embed timers in a spawned child thread, call DEBUG_TIMER_NEW_THREAD(parent_thread_id); from the child thread. The parent_thread_id must get its value from logger::thread_id() before the new thread is spawned. This will not start a timer, but will record the child-parent relationship so that subsequent DEBUG_TIMER calls are stored in the correct node of the parent tree. An example of a resulting report:

2020-01-30T16:58:19.926148 I 33266 DBHandler.cpp:956 DEBUG_TIMER thread_id(4)
591ms total duration for sql_execute
  511ms start(41ms) executeRelAlgQuery RelAlgExecutor.cpp:71
    6ms start(41ms) executeWorkUnit RelAlgExecutor.cpp:1858
      4ms start(41ms) compileWorkUnit NativeCodegen.cpp:1571
        New thread(5)
          0ms start(0ms) fetchChunks Execute.cpp:2024
          0ms start(0ms) getQueryExecutionContext QueryMemoryDescriptor.cpp:711
          0ms start(0ms) executePlanWithoutGroupBy Execute.cpp:2276
            0ms start(0ms) launchGpuCode QueryExecutionContext.cpp:195
        End thread(5)


Any timer that is created in a thread when no other timers are active in the same or parent thread is called a root timer. The timer stack is logged when the root timer destructs, or stop() is called, after which memory used for tracking the timer trees are freed. The performance cost of this should be kept in mind when placing timers within the code.


Non-root timers that end after their root timer ends will result in a segmentation fault (but only when the --enable-debug-timer option is active). This is easily avoided by not interleaving timer lifetimes with one another in the same block of code, and making sure that all child threads end prior to the ending of any corresponding root timer.

The high-level class relationships are:

object thread_id
class DurationTree
note right: Each node of DurationTree is of type\n**boost::variant<Duration, DurationTree&>**\nto hold both Durations and\nDurationTrees of child threads.
class DurationTreeMap
note right: Global singleton:\nlogger::g_duration_tree_map
class Duration {
  int depth_
  Clock::time_point start_
  Clock::time_point stop_
thread_id - DurationTree
DurationTreeMap -- (thread_id, DurationTree)
DurationTree o- DurationTree
DurationTree *- Duration
class DebugTimer {
  void stop()
note left: Instantiate with macro:\nauto timer = DEBUG_TIMER(name);
Duration <.. DebugTimer

There is a single global instance of DurationTreeMap that tracks a separate DurationTree for each thread.