Class Catalog_Namespace::Catalog

class Catalog

class for a per-database catalog. also includes metadata for the current database and the current user.


Public Functions

Catalog(const std::string &basePath, const DBMetadata &curDB, std::shared_ptr<Data_Namespace::DataMgr> dataMgr, const std::vector<LeafHostInfo> &string_dict_hosts, std::shared_ptr<Calcite> calcite, bool is_new_db)

Constructor - takes basePath to already extant data directory for writing.

  • basePath: directory path for writing catalog

  • dbName: name of the database

  • fragmenter: Fragmenter object metadata - expects for this directory to already exist


Constructor builds a hollow catalog used during constructor of other catalogs.


Destructor - deletes all ColumnDescriptor and TableDescriptor structures which were allocated on the heap and writes Catalog to Sqlite.

void createTable(TableDescriptor &td, const std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &columns, const std::vector<Parser::SharedDictionaryDef> &shared_dict_defs, bool isLogicalTable)
void createShardedTable(TableDescriptor &td, const std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &columns, const std::vector<Parser::SharedDictionaryDef> &shared_dict_defs)
int32_t createDashboard(DashboardDescriptor &vd, bool skip_system_role_creation = false)
void replaceDashboard(DashboardDescriptor &vd)
std::string createLink(LinkDescriptor &ld, size_t min_length)
void dropTable(const TableDescriptor *td)
void truncateTable(const TableDescriptor *td)
void renameTable(const TableDescriptor *td, const std::string &newTableName)
void renameTable(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &names)
void renameColumn(const TableDescriptor *td, const ColumnDescriptor *cd, const std::string &newColumnName)
void addColumn(const TableDescriptor &td, ColumnDescriptor &cd)
void dropColumn(const TableDescriptor &td, const ColumnDescriptor &cd)
void removeFragmenterForTable(const int table_id) const
const std::map<int, const ColumnDescriptor *> getDictionaryToColumnMapping()
const TableDescriptor *getMetadataForTable(const std::string &tableName, const bool populateFragmenter = true) const

Returns a pointer to a const TableDescriptor struct matching the provided tableName.


pointer to const TableDescriptor object queried for or nullptr if it does not exist.

  • tableName: table specified column belongs to

const TableDescriptor *getMetadataForTable(int tableId, bool populateFragmenter = true) const
std::optional<std::string> getTableName(int32_t table_id) const
std::optional<int32_t> getTableId(const std::string &table_name) const
const ColumnDescriptor *getMetadataForColumn(int tableId, const std::string &colName) const
const ColumnDescriptor *getMetadataForColumn(int tableId, int columnId) const
const std::optional<std::string> getColumnName(int table_id, int column_id) const
const int getColumnIdBySpi(const int tableId, const size_t spi) const
const ColumnDescriptor *getMetadataForColumnBySpi(const int tableId, const size_t spi) const
const DashboardDescriptor *getMetadataForDashboard(const std::string &userId, const std::string &dashName) const
const DashboardDescriptor *getMetadataForDashboard(const int32_t dashboard_id) const
void deleteMetadataForDashboards(const std::vector<int32_t> ids, const UserMetadata &user)
const LinkDescriptor *getMetadataForLink(const std::string &link) const
const LinkDescriptor *getMetadataForLink(int linkId) const
const foreign_storage::ForeignTable *getForeignTable(const std::string &tableName) const
const foreign_storage::ForeignTable *getForeignTable(int table_id) const
std::list<const ColumnDescriptor *> getAllColumnMetadataForTable(const int tableId, const bool fetchSystemColumns, const bool fetchVirtualColumns, const bool fetchPhysicalColumns) const

Returns a list of pointers to constant ColumnDescriptor structs for all the columns from a particular table specified by table id.


list of pointers to const ColumnDescriptor structs - one for each and every column in the table

  • tableId: table id we want the column metadata for

list<const TableDescriptor *> getAllTableMetadata() const
std::vector<TableDescriptor> getAllTableMetadataCopy() const
list<const DashboardDescriptor *> getAllDashboardsMetadata() const
std::vector<DashboardDescriptor> getAllDashboardsMetadataCopy() const
const DBMetadata &getCurrentDB() const
Data_Namespace::DataMgr &getDataMgr() const
std::shared_ptr<Calcite> getCalciteMgr() const
const std::string &getCatalogBasePath() const
const DictDescriptor *getMetadataForDict(int dict_ref, bool loadDict = true) const
const std::vector<LeafHostInfo> &getStringDictionaryHosts() const
const ColumnDescriptor *getShardColumnMetadataForTable(const TableDescriptor *td) const
std::vector<const TableDescriptor *> getPhysicalTablesDescriptors(const TableDescriptor *logical_table_desc, bool populate_fragmenter = true) const
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> getAllPersistedTableAndShardIds() const
std::vector<std::string> getTableNamesForUser(const UserMetadata &user, const GetTablesType get_tables_type) const

Get names of all tables accessible to user.


table_names - vector of table names accessible by user

  • user: - user to retrieve table names for

  • get_tables_type: - enum indicating if tables, views or tables & views should be returned

std::vector<TableMetadata> getTablesMetadataForUser(const UserMetadata &user_metadata, const GetTablesType get_tables_type, const std::string &filter_table_name) const

Get table descriptors of all tables accessible to user.


table_descriptors - vector of table descriptors accessible by user

  • user: - user to retrieve table descriptors for

  • get_tables_type: - enum indicating if tables, views or tables & views should be returned

int32_t getTableEpoch(const int32_t db_id, const int32_t table_id) const
void setTableEpoch(const int db_id, const int table_id, const int new_epoch)
void setMaxRollbackEpochs(const int32_t table_id, const int32_t max_rollback_epochs)
void setMaxRows(const int32_t table_id, const int64_t max_rows)
std::vector<TableEpochInfo> getTableEpochs(const int32_t db_id, const int32_t table_id) const
void setTableEpochs(const int32_t db_id, const std::vector<TableEpochInfo> &table_epochs) const
void setTableEpochsLogExceptions(const int32_t db_id, const std::vector<TableEpochInfo> &table_epochs) const
int getDatabaseId() const
SqliteConnector &getSqliteConnector()
void roll(const bool forward)
DictRef addDictionary(ColumnDescriptor &cd)
void delDictionary(const ColumnDescriptor &cd)
void getDictionary(const ColumnDescriptor &cd, std::map<int, StringDictionary *> &stringDicts)
const bool checkMetadataForDeletedRecs(const TableDescriptor *td, int column_id) const
const ColumnDescriptor *getDeletedColumn(const TableDescriptor *td) const
const ColumnDescriptor *getDeletedColumnIfRowsDeleted(const TableDescriptor *td) const
void setDeletedColumn(const TableDescriptor *td, const ColumnDescriptor *cd)
int getLogicalTableId(const int physicalTableId) const
void checkpoint(const int logicalTableId) const
void checkpointWithAutoRollback(const int logical_table_id) const
void resetTableEpochFloor(const int logicalTableId) const
std::string name() const
void eraseDbMetadata()
void eraseDbPhysicalData()
void eraseTablePhysicalData(const TableDescriptor *td)
void setForReload(const int32_t tableId)
std::vector<std::string> getTableDataDirectories(const TableDescriptor *td) const
std::vector<std::string> getTableDictDirectories(const TableDescriptor *td) const
std::set<std::string> getTableDictDirectoryPaths(int32_t table_id) const
std::string getColumnDictDirectory(const ColumnDescriptor *cd, bool file_name_only = true) const
std::string dumpSchema(const TableDescriptor *td) const
std::string dumpCreateTable(const TableDescriptor *td, bool multiline_formatting = true, bool dump_defaults = false) const
std::optional<std::string> dumpCreateTable(int32_t table_id, bool multiline_formatting = true, bool dump_defaults = false) const
void createForeignServer(std::unique_ptr<foreign_storage::ForeignServer> foreign_server, bool if_not_exists)

Creates a new foreign server DB object.

  • foreign_server: - unique pointer to struct containing foreign server details

  • if_not_exists: - flag indicating whether or not an attempt to create a new foreign server should occur if a server with the same name already exists. An exception is thrown if this flag is set to “false” and an attempt is made to create a pre-existing foreign server

const foreign_storage::ForeignServer *getForeignServer(const std::string &server_name) const

Gets a pointer to a struct containing foreign server details.


pointer to a struct containing foreign server details. nullptr is returned if no foreign server exists with the given name

  • server_name: - Name of foreign server whose details will be fetched

const std::unique_ptr<const foreign_storage::ForeignServer> getForeignServerFromStorage(const std::string &server_name)

Gets a pointer to a struct containing foreign server details fetched from storage. This is mainly used for testing when asserting that expected catalog data is persisted.


pointer to a struct containing foreign server details. nullptr is returned if no foreign server exists with the given name

  • server_name: - Name of foreign server whose details will be fetched

const std::unique_ptr<const foreign_storage::ForeignTable> getForeignTableFromStorage(int table_id)

Gets a pointer to a struct containing foreign table details fetched from storage. This is mainly used for testing when asserting that expected catalog data is persisted.


pointer to a struct containing foreign table details. nullptr is returned if no foreign table exists with the given name

  • table_name: - Name of foreign table whose details will be fetched

void changeForeignServerOwner(const std::string &server_name, const int new_owner_id)

Change the owner of a Foreign Server to a new owner.

  • server_name: - Name of the foreign server whose owner to change

  • new_owner_id: - New owner’s user id

void setForeignServerDataWrapper(const std::string &server_name, const std::string &data_wrapper)

Set the data wrapper of a Foreign Server.

  • server_name: - Name of the foreign server whose data wrapper will be set

  • data_wrapper: - Data wrapper to use

void setForeignServerOptions(const std::string &server_name, const std::string &options)

Set the options of a Foreign Server.

  • server_name: - Name of the foreign server whose options will be set

  • options: - Options to set

void renameForeignServer(const std::string &server_name, const std::string &name)

Rename a Foreign Server.

  • server_name: - Name of the foreign server whose name will be changed

  • name: - New name of server

void dropForeignServer(const std::string &server_name)

Drops/deletes a foreign server DB object.

  • server_name: - Name of foreign server that will be deleted

void getForeignServersForUser(const rapidjson::Value *filters, const UserMetadata &user, std::vector<const foreign_storage::ForeignServer *> &results)

Performs a query on all foreign servers accessible to user with optional filter, and returns pointers toresulting server objects

  • filters: - Json Value representing SQL WHERE clause to filter results, eg.: “WHERE attribute1 = value1 AND attribute2 LIKE value2”, or Null Value Array of Values with attribute, value, operator, and chain specifier after first entry

  • user: - user to retrieve server names

  • results: - results returned as a vector of pointers to const foreign_storage::ForeignServer

void createDefaultServersIfNotExists()

Creates default local file servers (if they don’t already exist).

bool validateNonExistentTableOrView(const std::string &name, const bool if_not_exists)

Validates that a table or view with given name does not already exist. An exception is thrown if a table or view with given name already exists and “if_not_exists” is false.


true if table or view with name does not exist. Otherwise, return false

  • name: - Name of table or view whose existence is checked

  • if_not_exists: - flag indicating whether or not existence of a table or view with given name is an exception

std::vector<const TableDescriptor *> getAllForeignTablesForRefresh() const

Gets all the foreign tables that are pending refreshes. The list of tables includes tables that are configured for scheduled refreshes with next refresh timestamps that are in the past.


foreign tables pending refreshes

void updateForeignTableRefreshTimes(const int32_t table_id)

Updates the last and next (if applicable) refresh times of the foreign table with the given table id.

  • table_id: - id of table to apply updates to

void setForeignTableOptions(const std::string &table_name, foreign_storage::OptionsMap &options_map, bool clear_existing_options = true)

Set the options of a Foreign Table.

  • table_name: - Name of the foreign table whose options will be set

  • options: - Options to set

void updateLeaf(const LeafHostInfo &string_dict_host)
void setUncappedTableEpoch(const std::string &table_name)
int32_t createCustomExpression(std::unique_ptr<CustomExpression> custom_expression)

Creates a new custom expression.


id of created custom expression

  • custom_expression: - unique pointer to struct containing custom expression details.

const CustomExpression *getCustomExpression(int32_t custom_expression_id) const

Gets a pointer to the custom expression object with the given id.


pointer to custom expression object. nullptr is returned if no custom expression is found for the given id.

  • custom_expression_id: - id of custom expression to get

const std::unique_ptr<const CustomExpression> getCustomExpressionFromStorage(int32_t custom_expression_id)

Gets a pointer to a struct containing custom expression details fetched from storage. This is intended for use in tests, when asserting that expected custom expression data is persisted.


pointer to custom expression object. nullptr is returned if no custom expression is found for the given id.

  • custom_expression_id: - id of custom expression to get

std::vector<const CustomExpression *> getCustomExpressionsForUser(const UserMetadata &user) const

Gets pointers to all the custom expression objects that the given user has access to. For custom expressions that are associated with a table data source, custom expressions for tables that the given user has SELECT access to are returned.


pointer to custom expression objects that the given user has access to

  • user: - user for which to get accessible custom expressions

void updateCustomExpression(int32_t custom_expression_id, const std::string &expression_json)

Updates the custom expression for the given id with the given expression json string.

  • custom_expression_id: - id of custom expression to update

  • expression_json: - expression json string to be set

void deleteCustomExpressions(const std::vector<int32_t> &custom_expression_ids, bool do_soft_delete)

Deletes custom expressions with the given ids.

  • custom_expression_ids: - ids of custom expressions to delete

  • do_soft_delete: - flag indicating whether or not to do a soft delete

void reassignOwners(const std::set<std::string> &old_owners, const std::string &new_owner)

Reassigns database object ownership from a set of users (old owners) to another user (new owner).

  • old_owners: - users whose database object ownership will be reassigned to a new user

  • new_owner: - user who will own reassigned database objects

Public Members

std::mutex sqliteMutex_
mapd_shared_mutex sharedMutex_
std::atomic<std::thread::id> thread_holding_sqlite_lock
std::atomic<std::thread::id> thread_holding_write_lock
bool initialized_ = false

Public Static Functions

void expandGeoColumn(const ColumnDescriptor &cd, std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &columns)
const std::string getForeignTableSchema(bool if_not_exists = false)

Gets the DDL statement used to create a foreign table schema.


string containing DDL statement

  • if_not_exists: - flag that indicates whether or not to include the “IF NOT EXISTS” phrase in the DDL statement

const std::string getForeignServerSchema(bool if_not_exists = false)

Gets the DDL statement used to create a foreign server schema.


string containing DDL statement

  • if_not_exists: - flag that indicates whether or not to include the “IF NOT EXISTS” phrase in the DDL statement

const std::string getCustomExpressionsSchema(bool if_not_exists = false)

Gets the DDL statement used to create the custom expressions table.


string containing DDL statement

  • if_not_exists:

    - flag the indicates whether or not to include the “IF NOT

    EXISTS” phrase in the DDL statement.

Public Static Attributes

thread_local bool thread_holds_read_lock = false

Protected Types

using ColumnDescriptorsForRoll = std::vector<std::pair<ColumnDescriptor *, ColumnDescriptor *>>

Protected Functions

void CheckAndExecuteMigrations()
void CheckAndExecuteMigrationsPostBuildMaps()
void updateDictionaryNames()
void updateTableDescriptorSchema()
void updateFixlenArrayColumns()
void updateGeoColumns()
void updateFrontendViewSchema()
void updateLinkSchema()
void updateFrontendViewAndLinkUsers()
void updateLogicalToPhysicalTableLinkSchema()
void updateLogicalToPhysicalTableMap(const int32_t logical_tb_id)
void updateDictionarySchema()
void updatePageSize()
void updateDeletedColumnIndicator()
void updateDefaultColumnValues()
void updateFrontendViewsToDashboards()
void updateCustomExpressionsSchema()
void updateFsiSchemas()
void recordOwnershipOfObjectsInObjectPermissions()
void checkDateInDaysColumnMigration()
void createDashboardSystemRoles()
void buildMaps()
void addTableToMap(const TableDescriptor *td, const std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &columns, const std::list<DictDescriptor> &dicts)
void addReferenceToForeignDict(ColumnDescriptor &referencing_column, Parser::SharedDictionaryDef shared_dict_def, const bool persist_reference)
bool setColumnSharedDictionary(ColumnDescriptor &cd, std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &cdd, std::list<DictDescriptor> &dds, const TableDescriptor td, const std::vector<Parser::SharedDictionaryDef> &shared_dict_defs)
void setColumnDictionary(ColumnDescriptor &cd, std::list<DictDescriptor> &dds, const TableDescriptor &td, bool is_logical_table, bool use_temp_dictionary = false)
void addFrontendViewToMap(DashboardDescriptor &vd)
void addFrontendViewToMapNoLock(DashboardDescriptor &vd)
void addLinkToMap(LinkDescriptor &ld)
void removeTableFromMap(const std::string &tableName, const int tableId, const bool is_on_error = false)
void eraseTableMetadata(const TableDescriptor *td)
void executeDropTableSqliteQueries(const TableDescriptor *td)
void doTruncateTable(const TableDescriptor *td)
void renamePhysicalTable(const TableDescriptor *td, const std::string &newTableName)
void renamePhysicalTable(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &names, std::vector<int> &tableIds)
void instantiateFragmenter(TableDescriptor *td) const
void getAllColumnMetadataForTableImpl(const TableDescriptor *td, std::list<const ColumnDescriptor *> &colDescs, const bool fetchSystemColumns, const bool fetchVirtualColumns, const bool fetchPhysicalColumns) const
std::string calculateSHA1(const std::string &data)
std::string generatePhysicalTableName(const std::string &logicalTableName, const int32_t &shardNumber)
std::vector<DBObject> parseDashboardObjects(const std::string &view_meta, const int &user_id)
void createOrUpdateDashboardSystemRole(const std::string &view_meta, const int32_t &user_id, const std::string &dash_role_name)
const int getColumnIdBySpiUnlocked(const int table_id, const size_t spi) const
void serializeTableJsonUnlocked(const TableDescriptor *td, const std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &cds) const
void dropTableFromJsonUnlocked(const std::string &table_name) const

Protected Attributes

std::string basePath_
TableDescriptorMap tableDescriptorMap_
TableDescriptorMapById tableDescriptorMapById_
ColumnDescriptorMap columnDescriptorMap_
ColumnDescriptorMapById columnDescriptorMapById_
DictDescriptorMapById dictDescriptorMapByRef_
DashboardDescriptorMap dashboardDescriptorMap_
LinkDescriptorMap linkDescriptorMap_
LinkDescriptorMapById linkDescriptorMapById_
ForeignServerMap foreignServerMap_
ForeignServerMapById foreignServerMapById_
CustomExpressionMapById custom_expr_map_by_id_
TableDictColumnsMap dict_columns_by_table_id_
SqliteConnector sqliteConnector_
const DBMetadata currentDB_
std::shared_ptr<Data_Namespace::DataMgr> dataMgr_
const std::vector<LeafHostInfo> string_dict_hosts_
std::shared_ptr<Calcite> calciteMgr_
LogicalToPhysicalTableMapById logicalToPhysicalTableMapById_
int nextTempTableId_
int nextTempDictId_
ColumnDescriptorsForRoll columnDescriptorsForRoll

Protected Static Attributes

const std::string physicalTableNameTag_

Private Functions

void gatherAdditionalInfo(std::vector<std::string> &additional_info, std::set<std::string> &shared_dict_column_names, const TableDescriptor *td) const
std::string quoteIfRequired(const std::string &column_name) const
void adjustAlteredTableFiles(const std::string &temp_data_dir, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &all_column_ids_map) const
void renameTableDirectories(const std::string &temp_data_dir, const std::vector<std::string> &target_paths, const std::string &name_prefix) const
void buildForeignServerMap()
void addForeignTableDetails()
void setForeignServerProperty(const std::string &server_name, const std::string &property, const std::string &value)
void setForeignTableProperty(const foreign_storage::ForeignTable *table, const std::string &property, const std::string &value)
void alterPhysicalTableMetadata(const TableDescriptor *td, const TableDescriptorUpdateParams &table_update_params)
void alterTableMetadata(const TableDescriptor *td, const TableDescriptorUpdateParams &table_update_params)
void setTableFileMgrParams(const int table_id, const File_Namespace::FileMgrParams &file_mgr_params)
bool filterTableByTypeAndUser(const TableDescriptor *td, const UserMetadata &user_metadata, const GetTablesType get_tables_type) const
TableDescriptor *getMutableMetadataForTableUnlocked(int table_id) const
TableDescriptor *getMutableMetadataForTableUnlocked(const std::string &table_name) const
void createForeignServerNoLocks(std::unique_ptr<foreign_storage::ForeignServer> foreign_server, bool if_not_exists)

Same as createForeignServer() but without acquiring locks. This should only be called from within a function/code block that already acquires appropriate locks.

foreign_storage::ForeignTable *getForeignTableUnlocked(const std::string &tableName) const
const Catalog *getObjForLock()
void removeChunks(const int table_id) const
void buildCustomExpressionsMap()
std::unique_ptr<CustomExpression> getCustomExpressionFromConnector(size_t row)
void restoreOldOwners(const std::map<int32_t, std::string> &old_owners_user_name_by_id, const std::map<int32_t, std::vector<DBObject>> &old_owner_db_objects, int32_t new_owner_id)
void restoreOldOwnersInMemory(const std::map<int32_t, std::string> &old_owners_user_name_by_id, const std::map<int32_t, std::vector<DBObject>> &old_owner_db_objects, int32_t new_owner_id)
void conditionallyInitializeSystemObjects()
void initializeSystemServers()
void initializeSystemTables()
void createSystemTableServer(const std::string &server_name, const std::string &data_wrapper_type)
std::pair<foreign_storage::ForeignTable, std::list<ColumnDescriptor>> getSystemTableSchema(const std::string &table_name, const std::string &server_name, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, SQLTypeInfo>> &column_type_by_name)
void recreateSystemTableIfUpdated(foreign_storage::ForeignTable &foreign_table, const std::list<ColumnDescriptor> &columns)
void setDeletedColumnUnlocked(const TableDescriptor *td, const ColumnDescriptor *cd)
void addToColumnMap(ColumnDescriptor *cd)
void removeFromColumnMap(ColumnDescriptor *cd)
void deleteTableCatalogMetadata(const TableDescriptor *logical_table, const std::vector<const TableDescriptor *> &physical_tables)
std::string dumpCreateTableUnlocked(const TableDescriptor *td, bool multiline_formatting, bool dump_defaults) const

Private Members

DeletedColumnPerTableMap deletedColumnPerTable_

Private Static Attributes

constexpr const char *CATALOG_SERVER_NAME = {"omnisci_catalog_server"}
constexpr const char *MEMORY_STATS_SERVER_NAME = {"omnisci_memory_stats_server"}
constexpr const char *STORAGE_STATS_SERVER_NAME = {"omnisci_storage_stats_server"}
constexpr std::array<const char *, 3> INTERNAL_SERVERS = {CATALOG_SERVER_NAME, , }