Class Fragmenter_Namespace::AbstractFragmenter

class AbstractFragmenter

Subclassed by Fragmenter_Namespace::InsertOrderFragmenter

Public Functions

virtual ~AbstractFragmenter()
virtual size_t getNumFragments() = 0

Should get the partitions(fragments) where at least one tuple could satisfy the (optional) provided predicate, given any statistics on data distribution the partitioner keeps. May also prune the predicate.

returns the number of fragments in a table

virtual TableInfo getFragmentsForQuery() = 0

Get all fragments for the current table.

virtual void insertData(InsertData &insert_data_struct) = 0

Given data wrapped in an InsertData struct, inserts it into the correct partitions with locks and checkpoints.

virtual void insertChunks(const InsertChunks &insert_chunk) = 0

Insert chunks into minimal number of fragments.

  • insert_chunk: - the chunks to insert

virtual void insertDataNoCheckpoint(InsertData &insert_data_struct) = 0

Given data wrapped in an InsertData struct, inserts it into the correct partitions No locks and checkpoints taken needs to be managed externally.

virtual void insertChunksNoCheckpoint(const InsertChunks &insert_chunk) = 0

Insert chunks into minimal number of fragments; no locks or checkpoints taken.

  • chunk: - the chunks to insert

virtual void dropFragmentsToSize(const size_t maxRows) = 0

Will truncate table to less than maxRows by dropping fragments.

virtual void updateChunkStats(const ColumnDescriptor *cd, std::unordered_map<int, ChunkStats> &stats_map, std::optional<Data_Namespace::MemoryLevel> memory_level) = 0

Update chunk stats.

virtual FragmentInfo *getFragmentInfo(const int fragment_id) const = 0

Retrieve the fragment info object for an individual fragment for editing.

virtual int getFragmenterId() = 0

Gets the id of the partitioner.

virtual std::string getFragmenterType() = 0

Gets the string type of the partitioner.

virtual size_t getNumRows() = 0
virtual void setNumRows(const size_t numTuples) = 0
virtual std::optional<ChunkUpdateStats> updateColumn(const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const TableDescriptor *td, const ColumnDescriptor *cd, const int fragment_id, const std::vector<uint64_t> &frag_offsets, const std::vector<ScalarTargetValue> &rhs_values, const SQLTypeInfo &rhs_type, const Data_Namespace::MemoryLevel memory_level, UpdelRoll &updel_roll) = 0
virtual void updateColumns(const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const TableDescriptor *td, const int fragmentId, const std::vector<TargetMetaInfo> sourceMetaInfo, const std::vector<const ColumnDescriptor *> columnDescriptors, const RowDataProvider &sourceDataProvider, const size_t indexOffFragmentOffsetColumn, const Data_Namespace::MemoryLevel memoryLevel, UpdelRoll &updelRoll, Executor *executor) = 0
virtual void updateColumn(const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const TableDescriptor *td, const ColumnDescriptor *cd, const int fragment_id, const std::vector<uint64_t> &frag_offsets, const ScalarTargetValue &rhs_value, const SQLTypeInfo &rhs_type, const Data_Namespace::MemoryLevel memory_level, UpdelRoll &updel_roll) = 0
virtual void updateColumnMetadata(const ColumnDescriptor *cd, FragmentInfo &fragment, std::shared_ptr<Chunk_NS::Chunk> chunk, const UpdateValuesStats &update_values_stats, const SQLTypeInfo &rhs_type, UpdelRoll &updel_roll) = 0
virtual void updateMetadata(const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const MetaDataKey &key, UpdelRoll &updel_roll) = 0
virtual void compactRows(const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const TableDescriptor *td, const int fragmentId, const std::vector<uint64_t> &fragOffsets, const Data_Namespace::MemoryLevel memoryLevel, UpdelRoll &updelRoll) = 0
virtual const std::vector<uint64_t> getVacuumOffsets(const std::shared_ptr<Chunk_NS::Chunk> &chunk) = 0
virtual void dropColumns(const std::vector<int> &columnIds) = 0
virtual bool hasDeletedRows(const int delete_column_id) = 0

Iterates through chunk metadata to return whether any rows have been deleted.

virtual void updateColumnChunkMetadata(const ColumnDescriptor *cd, const int fragment_id, const std::shared_ptr<ChunkMetadata> metadata) = 0

Updates the metadata for a column chunk.

  • cd: - ColumnDescriptor for the column

  • fragment_id: - Fragment id of the chunk within the column

  • metadata: - shared_ptr of the metadata to update column chunk with

virtual void resetSizesFromFragments() = 0

Resets the fragmenter’s size related metadata using the internal fragment info vector. This is typically done after operations, such as vacuuming, which can change fragment sizes.