Class ResultSet

class ResultSet

Public Types

enum GeoReturnType

Geo return type options when accessing geo columns from a result set.



Copies the geo data into a struct of vectors - coords are uncompressed


Returns the geo data as a WKT string


Returns only the pointers of the underlying buffers for the geo data.


If geo data is currently on a device, keep the data on the device and return the device ptrs

Public Functions

ResultSet(const std::vector<TargetInfo> &targets, const ExecutorDeviceType device_type, const QueryMemoryDescriptor &query_mem_desc, const std::shared_ptr<RowSetMemoryOwner> row_set_mem_owner, const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const unsigned block_size, const unsigned grid_size)
ResultSet(const std::vector<TargetInfo> &targets, const std::vector<ColumnLazyFetchInfo> &lazy_fetch_info, const std::vector<std::vector<const int8_t *>> &col_buffers, const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &frag_offsets, const std::vector<int64_t> &consistent_frag_sizes, const ExecutorDeviceType device_type, const int device_id, const QueryMemoryDescriptor &query_mem_desc, const std::shared_ptr<RowSetMemoryOwner> row_set_mem_owner, const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog, const unsigned block_size, const unsigned grid_size)
ResultSet(const std::shared_ptr<const Analyzer::Estimator>, const ExecutorDeviceType device_type, const int device_id, Data_Namespace::DataMgr *data_mgr)
ResultSet(const std::string &explanation)
ResultSet(int64_t queue_time_ms, int64_t render_time_ms, const std::shared_ptr<RowSetMemoryOwner> row_set_mem_owner)
std::string toString() const
std::string summaryToString() const
ResultSetRowIterator rowIterator(size_t from_logical_index, bool translate_strings, bool decimal_to_double) const
ResultSetRowIterator rowIterator(bool translate_strings, bool decimal_to_double) const
ExecutorDeviceType getDeviceType() const
const ResultSetStorage *allocateStorage() const
const ResultSetStorage *allocateStorage(int8_t *, const std::vector<int64_t>&, std::shared_ptr<VarlenOutputInfo> = nullptr) const
const ResultSetStorage *allocateStorage(const std::vector<int64_t>&) const
void updateStorageEntryCount(const size_t new_entry_count)
std::vector<TargetValue> getNextRow(const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double) const
size_t getCurrentRowBufferIndex() const
std::vector<TargetValue> getRowAt(const size_t index) const
TargetValue getRowAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t col_idx, const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double = true) const
OneIntegerColumnRow getOneColRow(const size_t index) const
std::vector<TargetValue> getRowAtNoTranslations(const size_t index, const std::vector<bool> &targets_to_skip = {}) const
bool isRowAtEmpty(const size_t index) const
void sort(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, size_t top_n, const Executor *executor)
void keepFirstN(const size_t n)
void dropFirstN(const size_t n)
void append(ResultSet &that)
const ResultSetStorage *getStorage() const
size_t colCount() const
SQLTypeInfo getColType(const size_t col_idx) const
size_t rowCount(const bool force_parallel = false) const

Returns the number of valid entries in the result set (i.e that will be returned from the SQL query or inputted into the next query step)

Note that this can be less than or equal to the value returned by ResultSet::getEntries(), whether due to a SQL LIMIT/OFFSET applied or because the result set representation is inherently sparse (i.e. baseline hash group by).

Internally this function references/sets a cached value (cached_row_count_) so that the cost of computing the result is only paid once per result set.

If the actual row count is not cached and needs to be computed, in some cases that can be O(1) (i.e. if limits and offsets are present, or for the output of a table function). For projections, we use a binary search, so it is O(log n), otherwise it is O(n) (with n being ResultSet::entryCount()), which will be run in parallel if the entry count >= the default of 20000 or if force_parallel is set to true

Note that we currently do not invalidate the cache if the result set is changed (i.e appended to), so this function should only be called after the result set is finalized.

  • force_parallel: Forces the row count to be computed in parallel if the row count cannot be otherwise be computed from metadata or via a binary search (otherwise parallel search is automatically used for result sets with entryCount() >= 20000)

void invalidateCachedRowCount() const
void setCachedRowCount(const size_t row_count) const
bool isEmpty() const

Returns a boolean signifying whether there are valid entries in the result set.

Note a result set can be logically empty even if the value returned by ResultSet::entryCount() is > 0, whether due to a SQL LIMIT/OFFSET applied or because the result set representation is inherently sparse (i.e. baseline hash group by).

Internally this function is just implemented as ResultSet::rowCount() == 0, which caches it’s value so the row count will only be computed once per finalized result set.

size_t entryCount() const

Returns the number of entries the result set is allocated to hold.

Note that this can be greater than or equal to the actual number of valid rows in the result set, whether due to a SQL LIMIT/OFFSET applied or because the result set representation is inherently sparse (i.e. baseline hash group by)

For getting the number of valid rows in the result set (inclusive of any applied LIMIT and/or OFFSET), use ResultSet::rowCount(). Or to just test if there are any valid rows, use ResultSet::entryCount(), as a return value from entryCount() greater than 0 does not neccesarily mean the result set is empty.

size_t getBufferSizeBytes(const ExecutorDeviceType device_type) const
bool definitelyHasNoRows() const
const QueryMemoryDescriptor &getQueryMemDesc() const
const std::vector<TargetInfo> &getTargetInfos() const
const std::vector<int64_t> &getTargetInitVals() const
int8_t *getDeviceEstimatorBuffer() const
int8_t *getHostEstimatorBuffer() const
void syncEstimatorBuffer() const
size_t getNDVEstimator() const
void setQueueTime(const int64_t queue_time)
void setKernelQueueTime(const int64_t kernel_queue_time)
void addCompilationQueueTime(const int64_t compilation_queue_time)
int64_t getQueueTime() const
int64_t getRenderTime() const
void moveToBegin() const
bool isTruncated() const
bool isExplain() const
void setValidationOnlyRes()
bool isValidationOnlyRes() const
std::string getExplanation() const
bool isGeoColOnGpu(const size_t col_idx) const
int getDeviceId() const
void fillOneEntry(const std::vector<int64_t> &entry)
void initializeStorage() const
void holdChunks(const std::list<std::shared_ptr<Chunk_NS::Chunk>> &chunks)
void holdChunkIterators(const std::shared_ptr<std::list<ChunkIter>> chunk_iters)
void holdLiterals(std::vector<int8_t> &literal_buff)
std::shared_ptr<RowSetMemoryOwner> getRowSetMemOwner() const
const Permutation &getPermutationBuffer() const
const bool isPermutationBufferEmpty() const
void serialize(TSerializedRows &serialized_rows) const
size_t getLimit() const
ResultSetPtr copy()
void clearPermutation()
void initStatus()
void invalidateResultSetChunks()
const bool isEstimator() const
void setCached(bool val)
const bool isCached() const
void setExecTime(const long exec_time)
const long getExecTime() const
void setQueryPlanHash(const QueryPlanHash query_plan)
const QueryPlanHash getQueryPlanHash()
std::unordered_set<size_t> getInputTableKeys() const
void setInputTableKeys(std::unordered_set<size_t> &&intput_table_keys)
void setTargetMetaInfo(const std::vector<TargetMetaInfo> &target_meta_info)
std::vector<TargetMetaInfo> getTargetMetaInfo()
std::optional<bool> canUseSpeculativeTopNSort() const
void setUseSpeculativeTopNSort(bool value)
const bool hasValidBuffer() const
GeoReturnType getGeoReturnType() const
void setGeoReturnType(const GeoReturnType val)
void copyColumnIntoBuffer(const size_t column_idx, int8_t *output_buffer, const size_t output_buffer_size) const

For each specified column, this function goes through all available storages and copies its content into a contiguous output_buffer

bool isDirectColumnarConversionPossible() const

Determines if it is possible to directly form a ColumnarResults class from this result set, bypassing the default columnarization.

NOTE: If there exists a permutation vector (i.e., in some ORDER BY queries), it becomes equivalent to the row-wise columnarization.

bool didOutputColumnar() const
bool isZeroCopyColumnarConversionPossible(size_t column_idx) const
const int8_t *getColumnarBuffer(size_t column_idx) const
QueryDescriptionType getQueryDescriptionType() const
const int8_t getPaddedSlotWidthBytes(const size_t slot_idx) const
std::tuple<std::vector<bool>, size_t> getSingleSlotTargetBitmap() const
std::tuple<std::vector<bool>, size_t> getSupportedSingleSlotTargetBitmap() const

This function returns a bitmap and population count of it, where it denotes all supported single-column targets suitable for direct columnarization.

The final goal is to remove the need for such selection, but at the moment for any target that doesn’t qualify for direct columnarization, we use the traditional result set’s iteration to handle it (e.g., count distinct, approximate count distinct)

std::vector<size_t> getSlotIndicesForTargetIndices() const
const std::vector<ColumnLazyFetchInfo> &getLazyFetchInfo() const
bool areAnyColumnsLazyFetched() const
size_t getNumColumnsLazyFetched() const
void setSeparateVarlenStorageValid(const bool val)
const std::vector<std::string> getStringDictionaryPayloadCopy(const int dict_id) const
const std::pair<std::vector<int32_t>, std::vector<std::string>> getUniqueStringsForDictEncodedTargetCol(const size_t col_idx) const
StringDictionaryProxy *getStringDictionaryProxy(int const dict_id) const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE, QueryDescriptionType QUERY_TYPE, bool COLUMNAR_FORMAT>
ENTRY_TYPE getEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const
ChunkStats getTableFunctionChunkStats(const size_t target_idx) const
void translateDictEncodedColumns(std::vector<TargetInfo> const &targets, size_t const start_idx)
void eachCellInColumn(RowIterationState &state, CellCallback const &func)
const Executor *getExecutor() const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE, QueryDescriptionType QUERY_TYPE, bool COLUMNAR_FORMAT>
ENTRY_TYPE getEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getColumnarPerfectHashEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const

Directly accesses the result set’s storage buffer for a particular data type (columnar output, perfect hash group by)

NOTE: Currently, only used in direct columnarization

template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getRowWisePerfectHashEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const

Directly accesses the result set’s storage buffer for a particular data type (row-wise output, perfect hash group by)

NOTE: Currently, only used in direct columnarization

template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getRowWiseBaselineEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const

Directly accesses the result set’s storage buffer for a particular data type (columnar output, baseline hash group by)

NOTE: Currently, only used in direct columnarization

template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getColumnarBaselineEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const

Directly accesses the result set’s storage buffer for a particular data type (row-wise output, baseline hash group by)

NOTE: Currently, only used in direct columnarization

Public Members

friend ResultSet::ResultSetBuilder

Public Static Functions

QueryMemoryDescriptor fixupQueryMemoryDescriptor(const QueryMemoryDescriptor &query_mem_desc)
static std::unique_ptr<ResultSet> unserialize(const TSerializedRows &serialized_rows, const Executor *)
double calculateQuantile(quantile::TDigest *const t_digest)

Private Types

using ApproxQuantileBuffers = std::vector<std::vector<double>>
using SerializedVarlenBufferStorage = std::vector<std::string>

Private Functions

void advanceCursorToNextEntry(ResultSetRowIterator &iter) const
std::vector<TargetValue> getNextRowImpl(const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double) const
std::vector<TargetValue> getNextRowUnlocked(const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double) const
std::vector<TargetValue> getRowAt(const size_t index, const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double, const bool fixup_count_distinct_pointers, const std::vector<bool> &targets_to_skip = {}) const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getColumnarPerfectHashEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getRowWisePerfectHashEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getRowWiseBaselineEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const
template<typename ENTRY_TYPE>
ENTRY_TYPE getColumnarBaselineEntryAt(const size_t row_idx, const size_t target_idx, const size_t slot_idx) const
size_t binSearchRowCount() const
size_t parallelRowCount() const
size_t advanceCursorToNextEntry() const
void radixSortOnGpu(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries) const
void radixSortOnCpu(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries) const
TargetValue getTargetValueFromBufferRowwise(int8_t *rowwise_target_ptr, int8_t *keys_ptr, const size_t entry_buff_idx, const TargetInfo &target_info, const size_t target_logical_idx, const size_t slot_idx, const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double, const bool fixup_count_distinct_pointers) const
TargetValue getTargetValueFromBufferColwise(const int8_t *col_ptr, const int8_t *keys_ptr, const QueryMemoryDescriptor &query_mem_desc, const size_t local_entry_idx, const size_t global_entry_idx, const TargetInfo &target_info, const size_t target_logical_idx, const size_t slot_idx, const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double) const
TargetValue makeTargetValue(const int8_t *ptr, const int8_t compact_sz, const TargetInfo &target_info, const size_t target_logical_idx, const bool translate_strings, const bool decimal_to_double, const size_t entry_buff_idx) const
TargetValue makeVarlenTargetValue(const int8_t *ptr1, const int8_t compact_sz1, const int8_t *ptr2, const int8_t compact_sz2, const TargetInfo &target_info, const size_t target_logical_idx, const bool translate_strings, const size_t entry_buff_idx) const
TargetValue makeGeoTargetValue(const int8_t *geo_target_ptr, const size_t slot_idx, const TargetInfo &target_info, const size_t target_logical_idx, const size_t entry_buff_idx) const
InternalTargetValue getVarlenOrderEntry(const int64_t str_ptr, const size_t str_len) const
int64_t lazyReadInt(const int64_t ival, const size_t target_logical_idx, const StorageLookupResult &storage_lookup_result) const
std::pair<size_t, size_t> getStorageIndex(const size_t entry_idx) const

Returns (storageIdx, entryIdx) pair, where: storageIdx : 0 is storage_, storageIdx-1 is index into appended_storage_. entryIdx : local index into the storage object.

const std::vector<const int8_t *> &getColumnFrag(const size_t storge_idx, const size_t col_logical_idx, int64_t &global_idx) const
const VarlenOutputInfo *getVarlenOutputInfo(const size_t entry_idx) const
ResultSet::StorageLookupResult findStorage(const size_t entry_idx) const
Comparator createComparator(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, const PermutationView permutation, const Executor *executor, const bool single_threaded)
PermutationView initPermutationBuffer(PermutationView permutation, PermutationIdx const begin, PermutationIdx const end) const
void parallelTop(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, const size_t top_n, const Executor *executor)
void baselineSort(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, const size_t top_n, const Executor *executor)
void doBaselineSort(const ExecutorDeviceType device_type, const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, const size_t top_n, const Executor *executor)
bool canUseFastBaselineSort(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, const size_t top_n)
size_t rowCountImpl(const bool force_parallel) const
Data_Namespace::DataMgr *getDataManager() const
int getGpuCount() const
void serializeProjection(TSerializedRows &serialized_rows) const
void serializeVarlenAggColumn(int8_t *buf, std::vector<std::string> &varlen_bufer) const
void serializeCountDistinctColumns(TSerializedRows&) const
void unserializeCountDistinctColumns(const TSerializedRows&)
void fixupCountDistinctPointers()
void create_active_buffer_set(CountDistinctSet &count_distinct_active_buffer_set) const
int64_t getDistinctBufferRefFromBufferRowwise(int8_t *rowwise_target_ptr, const TargetInfo &target_info) const

Private Members

const std::vector<TargetInfo> targets_
const ExecutorDeviceType device_type_
const int device_id_
QueryMemoryDescriptor query_mem_desc_
std::unique_ptr<ResultSetStorage> storage_
AppendedStorage appended_storage_
size_t crt_row_buff_idx_
size_t fetched_so_far_
size_t drop_first_
size_t keep_first_
std::shared_ptr<RowSetMemoryOwner> row_set_mem_owner_
Permutation permutation_
const Catalog_Namespace::Catalog *catalog_
unsigned block_size_ = {0}
unsigned grid_size_ = {0}
QueryExecutionTimings timings_
std::list<std::shared_ptr<Chunk_NS::Chunk>> chunks_
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::list<ChunkIter>>> chunk_iters_
std::vector<std::vector<int8_t>> literal_buffers_
std::vector<ColumnLazyFetchInfo> lazy_fetch_info_
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<const int8_t *>>> col_buffers_
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>> frag_offsets_
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> consistent_frag_sizes_
const std::shared_ptr<const Analyzer::Estimator> estimator_
Data_Namespace::AbstractBuffer *device_estimator_buffer_ = {nullptr}
int8_t *host_estimator_buffer_ = {nullptr}
Data_Namespace::DataMgr *data_mgr_
std::vector<SerializedVarlenBufferStorage> serialized_varlen_buffer_
bool separate_varlen_storage_valid_
std::string explanation_
const bool just_explain_
bool for_validation_only_
std::atomic<int64_t> cached_row_count_
std::mutex row_iteration_mutex_
GeoReturnType geo_return_type_
bool cached_
size_t query_exec_time_
QueryPlanHash query_plan_
std::unordered_set<size_t> input_table_keys_
std::vector<TargetMetaInfo> target_meta_info_
std::optional<bool> can_use_speculative_top_n_sort

Private Static Functions

bool isNull(const SQLTypeInfo &ti, const InternalTargetValue &val, const bool float_argument_input)
PermutationView topPermutation(PermutationView permutation, const size_t n, const Comparator &compare)


friend ResultSet::ResultSetManager
friend ResultSet::ResultSetRowIterator
friend ResultSet::ColumnarResults
struct ColumnWiseTargetAccessor

Public Functions

ColumnWiseTargetAccessor(const ResultSet *result_set)
void initializeOffsetsForStorage()
InternalTargetValue getColumnInternal(const int8_t *buff, const size_t entry_idx, const size_t target_logical_idx, const StorageLookupResult &storage_lookup_result) const

Public Members

std::vector<std::vector<TargetOffsets>> offsets_for_storage_
const ResultSet *result_set_
struct QueryExecutionTimings

Public Members

int64_t executor_queue_time = {0}
int64_t render_time = {0}
int64_t compilation_queue_time = {0}
int64_t kernel_queue_time = {0}
template<typename BUFFER_ITERATOR_TYPE>
struct ResultSetComparator

Public Types

using BufferIteratorType = BUFFER_ITERATOR_TYPE

Public Functions

ResultSetComparator(const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries, const ResultSet *result_set, const PermutationView permutation, const Executor *executor, const bool single_threaded)
void materializeCountDistinctColumns()
ResultSet::ApproxQuantileBuffers materializeApproxQuantileColumns() const
std::vector<int64_t> materializeCountDistinctColumn(const Analyzer::OrderEntry &order_entry) const
ResultSet::ApproxQuantileBuffers::value_type materializeApproxQuantileColumn(const Analyzer::OrderEntry &order_entry) const
bool operator()(const PermutationIdx lhs, const PermutationIdx rhs) const

Public Members

const std::list<Analyzer::OrderEntry> &order_entries_
const ResultSet *result_set_
const PermutationView permutation_
const BufferIteratorType buffer_itr_
const Executor *executor_
const bool single_threaded_
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> count_distinct_materialized_buffers_
const ApproxQuantileBuffers approx_quantile_materialized_buffers_
struct RowIterationState

Public Members

size_t prev_target_idx_ = {0}
size_t cur_target_idx_
size_t agg_idx_ = {0}
int8_t const *buf_ptr_ = {nullptr}
int8_t compact_sz1_
struct RowWiseTargetAccessor

Public Functions

RowWiseTargetAccessor(const ResultSet *result_set)
InternalTargetValue getColumnInternal(const int8_t *buff, const size_t entry_idx, const size_t target_logical_idx, const StorageLookupResult &storage_lookup_result) const
void initializeOffsetsForStorage()
const int8_t *get_rowwise_ptr(const int8_t *buff, const size_t entry_idx) const

Public Members

std::vector<std::vector<TargetOffsets>> offsets_for_storage_
const ResultSet *result_set_
const size_t row_bytes_
const size_t key_width_
const size_t key_bytes_with_padding_
struct StorageLookupResult

Public Members

const ResultSetStorage *storage_ptr
const size_t fixedup_entry_idx
const size_t storage_idx
struct TargetOffsets

Public Members

const int8_t *ptr1
const size_t compact_sz1
const int8_t *ptr2
const size_t compact_sz2
struct VarlenTargetPtrPair

Public Functions


Public Members

int8_t *ptr1
int8_t compact_sz1
int8_t *ptr2
int8_t compact_sz2